Backhand Shot

            In Water Polo there are a variety of ways a player shoots a ball, a wrist shot, push shot, backhand shot and a trick shot. The wrist shot is utilized in normal game play, the ball is simply passed and when an opening is found the shot is taken. A push shot is used when a player is on a counterattack, which mostly means a 1v1 against the goalkeeper. Sometimes it is in the field player’s favor to just push the ball into the goal, this doesn’t necessarily mean push, and in reality the shot is rather powerful and quick. The backhand shot is used in special situations, like when the ball is set to the 2 meter line (passed to O hole) the backhand shot is useful because it is sometimes unexpected, since the shooter is facing away from the goal. The trick shot involves a lot of different shots; it is mostly used in special situations as well and is mostly just for show. For example some players will kick it in, in a way, it’s a flashy goal.
            The backhand shot is performed by the O hole, which means its done by the player set up at the 2 meter line away from his opponents goal. The ball is passed to him, and he lunges forward toward the ball, grips it from the top and releases it behind him into the goalies net. This shot is so useful mostly because it is very powerful, it can be extremely accurate, and it is unpredictable to the goalkeeper.

Great Backhand Shot
Fantastic Backhand Shot

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