
            In water polo a left-handed person is very useful. This is mostly because to score a goal, one is required to be able to move the goalie, move the defenders and then take the open shot at goal. With a lefty, one is exposed to many more angles, allowing them to be a key offensive player. Upper level teams even give lefty’s their own individual name, calling them utility. They do this because in the sport, they are so useful to the offence, being able to take key shots in a much needed goal opportunity.
            When a Lefty is outside of the 5-meter line, he has a complete view of the goal, much different than the right handed players. Even though a right handed player has the same view of the goal, his view is being inhibited by the defenders. For the left-handed player though, there are no defenders in the way, mostly because to cover a left-handed player takes much more skill, since one is required to cover them with a different hand (to block a different angle of his shot.) Overall, left handed players are very useful in the sport and allow it to make individuals a key asset for their game.

1 comment:

  1. Lefties seem to have an advantage in many other sports to. I think is because they do happen to be less common, so the adversary is not necessarily use to it. Also it the opponent naturally freaks out when he notices a difference.
